Improving Organization Retention

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Improving Organization Retention

Improving Organization Retention


The organization retention is an essential part of successful conduction of business. It is the indicator of the prosperity and growth of the company. Most companies often mark is as key performance indicator to measure the accomplishment standard. Thus, customer retention is the consequent result of the customer loyalty. The companies usually invest more on retention strategies in order to drive an expanding business. Similarly, high rate of employee turnover also indicates a negative impression of the company. The company must observe the factors unfavorable to the stakeholders such as dealers, employees, and customers.


Employee recruitment and retention at JC's Casino

The JC Casino is one of the most competent casinos in the local area. However, the turnover rate of the casino is significantly high than their competitors. According to the iceberg principle, the main cause of the problem is often concealed by the underlying factors than the apparent present problem. There had been basically three types of problems observed from both perspectives; employees and customers.

The employees' turnover is high due to the owner's attitude towards the workers.

The management failure to recruit more staff to lower the work load of the workers due to high turnover.

Customers had to wait due to fewer workers to accommodate the customers.

Although the payments are market competitive, but the attitude of the owner is the determinant of high turnover. There can be several remedies for such case. The direct communication of the Human Resource Manager to the owner could assist in the resolution of the problem. However, theories such as equity theory, empowerment and control, Job enlargement and enrichment can be used to encourage the employees and reduce the turnover rate.

The empowerment and control theory states that the authority should be delegate to workers for decision making in certain areas. This will enable them to have control over their state of affairs. The communication acts as an effective tool to overcome the disputes. In JC Casino, the employees should be given the right to convey their problems directly to owner without the extensive involvement of HR manager because more levels complicate the flow of delivery. Similarly, the equity theory should also be reviewed in JC Casino. Each employee should be treated equally in the work place and served with equal rights. This includes respect from owner and right to enjoy fair share without any excessive work pressure.

Occupational Stressors

Occupational stressors are the determinants of the productivity. The excessive stress laid on the employees' results in the overall decline in productivity of the workers. Many stressors are also observed in JC Casino. The lack of control and relationship among the management with the owner represents a significant cause of depression in the business. The employees face a lack in proper channel of communication to convey their issues to the upper management. The internal problems are rendering the recruitment process weak. Even though JC Casino offers competitive prices, the hiring rate is low due to the occupational stressors present at ...
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