Importance Of Self-Esteem In Romantic Elationships

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Importance of Self-Esteem in Romantic Relationships

Importance of Self-esteem in Romantic Relationships


Self-esteem, a sense of personal worth, affects every aspect of our lives. Our self-esteem influences how we see the world and how to interpret every situation we find ourselves in self-esteem is crucial to our daily well-being, but people but few are aware of their importance. We complain of not achieving the results we want in our careers, our bodies or our friends. Above all, we complain when most of our relationships do not work the way they would like. In these situations it is easy to blame our partners, but perceived relationship difficulties rather may be due to our own low self-esteem. Without a high self-esteem, romantic relationships can become disappointments fear rather than the sources of security, support and happiness. (Maslow , 1987)

There are many conceptions of the idea of romantic Relationship. " This could be due to the fact that in many cases, it is an "idea" as opposed to a specific product measurable. Several definitions of romantic Relationship and its components affect the types of communication and other behaviors that researchers study.

The consideration of all the various definitions of romantic Relationship or passion is so large, the issue has taken up entire books. A clinical definition: "Romantic Relationship is a unique state of intense emotional excitement, a great calm, or increase welfare in the presence of the other" (as described by Liebowitz, 1983). According to some theorists, there is a strong desire for sexual intimacy and exclusivity, with a deep concern for the welfare of others. Also present is an element of idealization and broad emotional involvement. It is the best it can be characterized as a passionate connection, spiritual-emotional-sexual relationship between two people who ultimately reflects a high regard for the worth of every person. Theorems according to Rand, romantic Relationship is an integrated response of the conscious and unconscious mind and the body of one of the highest values as seen in another person. (Mecca, 1989)

Some scientists believe that romantic Relationship is a powerful attraction, but irrational or addiction, which it characterized as merely a temporary phenomenon consisting mainly of sexual fantasies that will decrease over time. It has also considered the feeling that the result of a general physiological activation on the basis of negative impulses, such as fear, anxiety, guilt, or the like. There is no evidence, however, the view that all emotions are the same at the physiological level. It is very probable, however, that biological and environmental signals only tune feelings and emotional responses. (Mruk, 2006)

Part of the confusion surrounding romantic Relationship, comes from seeing different types of Relationship as mutually exclusive entities, rather than occurring in a conceptual hierarchy. romantic attraction causes the sense of oneself in return. The person "in Relationship" feels more secure, capable, optimistic about the future of energy, and often, they need less food and sleep. Only Relationship can not be considered as an emotion, but also as an attitude, ...