Importance Of Quality Management In Leopard Beach Hotel

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Importance of Quality Management in Leopard beach hotel



Problem identification4

Causes of the problems4

Lack of training4

Lack of motivation5

Role of mangers6


Management Style7

Quality Management8





Understanding the needs of the Customers11

Training and motivating the work force11

Management Style12



Importance of Quality Management in Leopard beach hotel


In this project we would discuss the problems faced by Leopard beach Hotel which have severely affected its profitability. Leopard beach hotel is situated in Africa in the heart of east coast Africa. The hotel is mainly criticized for its failure to provide effective customer services. The customers have mainly complained about the inability of the housekeeping department to maintain a clean environment. So the main issue in leopard beach hotel is this that the customers are not satisfied from the hotel for its unsatisfactory customer services. The main cause for the failure of management to satisfy customers is that the work force is not properly trained. Similarly, the workforce does not get adequate salary. The incentives offered to the workforce are also very minimal. Furthermore, the work force lacks motivation to perform better. Due to their lack of motivation they do not perform their jobs properly. Moreover, the autocratic style of the management is also responsible for the dissatisfaction of the customers. There is also another problem due to which the customers have began to decline at leopard beach hotel apart from ineffective customer services which is adverse law and order situation in the country. Due to insecurity in the region many international customers feel threatened to come here. In this project we will discuss all these identified problems and we will also try to find out the causes of these problems and at the end of the project we discuss some recommendations for overcoming the problems faced by leopard beach hotel. Moreover, we would also include in this project the works of quality gurus like Juran, Crosby and Deming.


Problem identification

It is very important that we must identify the problems faced by leopard beach hotel, before presenting any solution. The foremost problem at the Leopard beach hotel is this that customer services are not up to the mark. There have been many criticisms on the management for not providing the appropriate customer quality services to the customers. This is the potential problem. This problem has direct link with the management and the general manager because it is their duty to look after all the management related problems and improve them. Another problem is the adverse security situation in the region due to which the customers feel threatened and avoid coming to this hotel. Although this problem is not in the direct control of the management of the Leopard hotel but it has also affected their profitability. The workforce and management of the Leopard beach hotel lacks quality which affects their customer service capabilities and resultantly they get dissatisfied customers.

Causes of the problems

Lack of training

One of the major reasons behind the problem of the lack of the quality customer service in the Leopard beach Hotel is that the workforce had not been properly ...