Importance of Marketing Communication in Marketing Strategies in Educational Organisations Business Model
-A Case Study on ETI labs, India
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The study defines different aspect marketing communication. It also explores the difference between marketing communication and integrated marketing communication. In addition to this, the study describes the importance of marketing communication in marketing strategy. For this, the researcher has chosen the case study of eti Labs. ETI Labs (Embedded Technology Innovation Labs) is proclaimed to be a new venture and the first of its kind in India. It is supported by IT, IIT and IISC veterans concentrating on high excellence in technology services, providing training, technical support, Research and development services from Chip design to mobile applications. Finally, the study analyses different effective and creative process for marketing communication and its impact on its audiences.
Research Methodology1
Sampling and Sampling Design2
Purpose of the Research2
Research Type and Approach3
Research Strategy4
Data Collection6
Validity and Reliability7
Case Study: Organisation Profile8
Strategies for identifying needs, interest and motivation for different audiences10
Questionnaire Survey10
Market Positioning11
Marketing Strategy11
Maslow's hierarchy needs assessment12
Implications for the Improvement of These Strategies to Create More Effective Methodology for Students12
Creative Marketing Processes13
Direct Marketing13
Relationship Marketing14
Effect of Marketing Communication strategies implemented by educational originations14
Case Study Analysis22
Research Methodology
The proposed research would be carried out through significant research methods. The importance of the marketing communication of an educational organisation would be deeply analyzed as this would be the core of the research. Considering the experience and special interest of the research topic, the researcher will conduct an in-depth case study on ETI Labs- India. ETI Labs (Embedded Technology Innovation Labs) is proclaimed to be a new venture and the first of its kind in India. It is supported by Institute of Technology (IT), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Science (IISC) veterans concentrating on high excellence in technology services, providing training, technical support, research and development services from Chip design to mobile applications. These institutes are one of the leading institutes for technology and science studies in India.
The data collected for this case study would be secondary in nature and will be analyzed through desk study. According to Stake (2010) the case study method proves to be highly effective when compared to other methods in understanding a desired concept and issues relating to the same. Marketing communication plays a crucial factor in targeting consumers groups. The budget of these depends on the targeted audience, whereas other strategies follow automatically. The success of marketing communication in the educational sector depends on reaching the estimated targeted ...