Importance Of A Quality Breakfast To Academic Performance

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Importance of a Quality Breakfast to Academic Performance

Importance of a Quality Breakfast to Academic Performance


A number of studies have shown how a nutrient deficiency has lead to decreased cognition in children. Students who skipped breakfast showed a greater prevalence for failure compared to those who each breakfast (Abalkhail & Shawky, 2002). A study supply of glucose enhances mental performance, particularly tasks carried out over a long time. While the results are inconsistent in students who regularly take breakfast, one thing seen over and over again is that students who do not eat breakfast suffer academically (Bellisle, 2004). Additionally, study finds that ages as young as 3 years old, so adverse effects on school performance if their diet consists of “junk food.” The adverse effects are even more pronounced as the age increases (Feinstein, et al., 2008). Based on these evidences, it can be concluded that child nutrition is essential to school performance. The most significant of the daily meals seems to be a healthy breakfast, therefore, the proposed study will look into how particular data can be collected to specifically look at the result of a healthy breakfast on school performance.

Research Design

Research Topic The study will attempt to document the result of a healthy breakfast on school performance.

Research Questions Do children aged between 8 and 12 who eat healthy breakfast for 1 week perform better on a standardized apptitute test compared to a comparable group who do not eat breakfast?

Criteria for Analytical Research Question

The criteria for analytical analysis on this question is having a group I can use to collect data. If the question was, what are the effects of a healthy breakfast on a the world's population? The criteria of being able to collect meaningful data would not be met.

Research Hypothesis

H (null) There will be no difference in the student's cognitive capacity based on the quality of breakfast they take. H (alternate) I hypothesize that student's cognitive capacity will increase with breakfast. Breakfast “junk food” or healthy food will show improvement in cognition for those students who skip breakfast all together. Students who go with healthy options for breakfast will show the greatest improvement.

Research Method Step 1: A pre-study questionnaire will be handed to students in grades 6 to 7 fifty girls and fifty boys picked at random. The following questions will be asked to the students:

1. How many days in a ...