Implications Of Csr And Ptsd

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Implications of CSR and PTSD

Psychological Adjustments to Combat Historical Experience


The world has always been a stressful place for sensitive people. Their delicate nature is prone to catch the situations which triggers in them anxiety. Here, I will mention that not every other person is affected by stress. Sometimes the situations are severe, or people are quite weak. This paper aims to find the implication of stress on a human being in the context of pre-defined and well-studied terms of “Combat Stress Reaction or CSR” and “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD”. Both are different from each other yet deals with the impact of stress on the lives of human beings or in other words study the situations which make them cause grave stress in them. Stress is not always bad. There are positive stresses. They keep an individual chase his targets and achieve something satisfactory in his life. If someone goes beyond that positive parameter then stress turns into a murderer even. I will keep my focus on the mentioned terminologies (Helmusb & Glenn, 2005).

Combat Stress Reaction (CSR)

This term is Military-oriented and explains the critical behavioral dis-orientation. medical personnel confirms this abnormality which is the result of severe shock of war. CSR is grave in nature and shows a series of reactions in the behavior due to battle stress. It reduces the ability of an individual to combat fighting stress. Its symptoms are easy to see like fatigue, slow response time, extreme confusion or indecision, withdrawal from the surroundings and lack of capability of prioritizing tasks. CSR live for a short span of time and is quite different form acute “stress disorder” or PTSD. Its intensity increases with the intensity of war. Yet, it is not a psychiatric disorder and is totally a normal human reaction. It is an individual's momentary dysfunctional behavior (Hoge, 2010).

Physical Impact

It comes from the environment and physiologic stressors. Any tangible situation that causes a shock for a person gives him this stress. A person find the existing atmosphere so pressurizing that he fails to connect him physically with the environment and declares not to settle this way (Hoge, 2010).

Mental Impact

This stress comes from cognitive and emotive stressors. Under this stress, a person is black out for a short period of time due to shock. He is unable to comprehend any given situation and in trying to understand taking a substantial amount of time. State of confusion can also describe this stress. He is emotionally blocked to absorb what he is going through and shares his withdrawal from the surroundings.

There are physiological, behavioral and cognitive alterations in the person. In normalizing through stress a person experiences hyperventilation, chocking feeling and dyspnea. These are changes related to respiration while there are cardiovascular changes. They are severe palpitation, pain in chest, fast pulse rate. In later stages, repetition of the symptoms takes place with the failure of a person to deal with it (Helmusb & Glenn, 2005).

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is basically a disconcerting and incapacitating sickness that ...