Implementing Health Care Legislations

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Implementing Health Care Legislations

Implementing Health Care Legislations


As you know our well-being has a positive effect on the performance of our work, it also noted the great institutions and companies employing large numbers of people. That is why they are trying to take care about it being their subordinates to become a high-level working conditions are continuously improved, outstanding employees are rewarded in the form of praise for the entire crew, or in the form of higher wages, which affects the morale of the people, and increases loyalty to the employer, so both parties gain in this very much. Employers sometimes are able to build its plant in fitness salons or gyms exclusively for the employees of the company, they also rent sports halls which meet the working people of the company, and together they rest, of course, actively through various games, competitions. The plant also employs all kinds of specialists, which can use the free employee and his immediate family, i.e., wife, husband and children. So it happens that the employer actually requires visits to medical clinics, thus ensuring a good disposition and his subordinate to him to realize some of the mistakes committed by, for example, in a field related to diet and what it can threaten him if he does not change.


The obligation to provide the employee a safe, hygienic and harmless to health conditions rests with the employers. Health care workers from exposure to the work environment factors and exercise preventive care are the responsibility of occupational health services.

Asbestos is a legally recognized carcinogen classified in the first category of carcinogens on the basis of the Minister of Health of 28 September 2005 on the list of hazardous substances and their classification and labelling and the Ordinance of the Minister of Health on 1 December 2004 on substances, preparations, agents or processes with carcinogenic or mutagenic in the workplace.

For an employer of workers in terms of exposure to asbestos specific obligations arising from the Labour Code, which requires employers to record all types of work in contact with the agents and work processes with carcinogenic or mutagenic, and to keep records of workers employed in such work. The employer is required to keep a register of workers for a period of 40 years after cessation of exposure in the case of liquidation of the relevant state-record transfer to Sanitary Inspector.

A very important duty to the workers in contact with asbestos is to provide them with special health care not only in the course of employment in harmful working conditions, but also after the cessation of occupational exposure to asbestos dust. Expanding the duties of former employees justifies the finding that the special feature of occupational exposure to asbestos dust pathology is the presence of the long-term occupational exposure, and after the cessation of work exposure to asbestos.

Health promotion in the workplace (WHP) is the process that results from the combined efforts of employers, workers and society in general, to improve the health and welfare ...
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