Implementation Of Sustainability In An Organization

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Implementation of Sustainability in an Organization

Implementation of Sustainability in an Organization


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the implementation of sustainability in an organization. The paper also provides an overview on the description of the substantial investment plan for the purpose of improving the performance of the work group. The investment plan has been made for the adoption of new technology in the organization which can be helpful in improving the performance of the employees of the organization. The new technology is the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning in the organization. Wal-Mart has been chosen for the purpose of implementing the enterprise Resource Planning for the purpose of increasing the performance of employees.

Company Overview

Wal-Mart stores have started in October 1969 with three main business segments including the Sam's club segment, WalMart U.S. segment and Wal-Mart International segment. Wal-Mart mainly functions in the business of retail stores, supermarkets, supercenters, restaurants, apparel stores and hypermarkets. The company has focus on establishing the quality of its products and services.

Sustainability Development

Sustainability has been a major issue since the last decade for the businesses and the world. Different businesses around the global are getting knowledge and information about the sustainability issues and trying to implement sustainability within their organization. According to Mirchandani and Ikerd (2008), the world is soon going to be the global business citizenship in which all the organizations will work in a sustainable environment to achieve the common goals of an organization (Allen, 2011). These days' different companies are moving beyond the traditional methods of running their businesses and trying to achieve sustainability in their organizations in order to increase the performance of the employees which ultimately helps in the increase in the success of the company.

Substantial Investment Plan

In order to bring enhancement in ...
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