Implementation Of Nursing Evidence

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Implementation of Nursing Evidence

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Implementation of Nursing Evidence


Diabetes is a major problem in the United States. In addition, even children are affected by diabetes. Therefore, it is the nurses' responsibility to understand the disease of diabetes mellitus in children and adults and to develop appropriate nursing interventions in accordance with the need of the problem. In this way, it becomes imperative for the nurses to identify, assess and evaluate the nursing evidence related to the disease. Then, the nurses are also required to implement that nursing evidence after careful review. The implementation of the nursing evidence will require changes to the nursing protocol for diabetic patients. In this way, the nurses will be able to identify the condition of these patients accurately and will then be able to implement the relevant nursing care for these patients.

In order to accurately evaluate the nursing evidence, the nurses can follow the standard procedure for evaluating evidence in the literature. This will involve a general appraisal of the evidence, a synopsis of the piece of literature, a determination of the credibility of the researchers and the research, finding the clinical significance, and final application of the evidence through proper nursing interventions (Brown, 2009).

Evidence-based nursing for diabetic patients

Appraisal of the literature and evidence-based nursing

Diabetes related complications

Sochett and Daneman (2009) found that the children with type 1 diabetes develop certain complications which include both microvascular as well as macrovascular problems. Additionally these children are faced with high morbidity rates and very high mortality rates too. On the other hand, these micro and macrovascular complications are not very common for adults. Therefore, it becomes necessary and important for the physicians and nurses to understand the pathogenesis of these complications, the need to understand their risk, the need for early screening for children with type I diabetes, and to understand the relevant interventions.

This article is credible as it comes from a peer-reviewed, scholarly source. Next, the article also has clinical significance as the research methodology is accurate. The nurses therefore need to understand the nursing interventions for these patients that include identifying the risk factors by referring these patients for early screening (Sochett and Daneman, 2009).

Type 2 diabetes in children

While the type 2 diabetes was previously only confined to adults, Ramchandani (2004) avers that now it is also afflicting the American children to a greater degree. Most of the brunt of this disease falls onto the problem of obesity in children. As more junk food is available to children at schools and in homes, the obesity of children is creating major problems in the form of type 2 diabetes.

This article is credible as it comes from a trusted source. Next, the article also has clinical significance as it provides the relevant facts garnered through first-hand research. The nursing interventions include informing and advising the children and parents as well as the community regarding the ills and dangers (Ramchandani, 2004).

Type 1 diabetes

The Clinical Review (2004) indicates that the type 1 diabetes afflicts children aged less than ...
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