Implementation Of Emr (Electronic Medical Records) At Phoenix General Hospital

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Implementation of EMR (Electronic Medical Records) at Phoenix General Hospital

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Implementation of EMR (Electronic Medical Records) at Phoenix General Hospital


The need for a robust EMR (Electronic Medical Records) system is well-established. However, the hospital needs to go a step further to include comprehensive Health Information Systems within the ambit of the EMR project. This will enable the hospital to meet the diverse needs of various stakeholders while meeting the hospital's own needs. The hospital has this opportunity to implement a comprehensive health information system that includes all the stakeholder needs and all of the information requirements of the healthcare institution. The various centers of the hospital present too much diversity in respect of organizational, logical, clinical, and even cultural perspectives (Dudeck, Blobel, Lordieck, and Bürkle, 1997). The hospital is faced with a unique opportunity to bring about drastic changes in the organization with the successful implementation of the new health information system that is coupled with re-engineering and restructuring of the organization.

Implementation issues of EMR at the hospital

Employer needs

The hospital has various information needs which must be met by the new system. The hospitals in particular have various information needs that must be met by the EMR. The hospital requires better handling of all information, quick processing of health information, better information and communication technology, and the importance of systematic information management. The hospital requires that the information needs of all of its stakeholders are met. This requires that the information needs of nurses and physicians must be met who require the availability of all patient information from all the hospital departments.

The hospital staff, including nurses and physicians, also needs other information related to medicines. The nurses and physicians must also be able to get the medical knowledge to know the basics of their clinical decisions. In this regard, the hospital administration or management also requires loads of quality information regarding healthcare revenues and costs. Consequently, there is a dire need for only quality processing of information. Without the availability of this accounting and management information, the hospital will not be able to stay competitive in the market. In this way, the EMR represents the memory and brain of the hospital (Winter, Haux, Ammenwerth, Brigl, Hellrung, and Jahn, 2011).

In this way, there is a need to systematically manage the implementation of any EMR in the hospital so that it is well-integrated with the systematic health information system of ...
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