Implementation Of Electronic Health Records: Challenges & Recommendations

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Implementation of Electronic Health Records: Challenges & Recommendations

Implementation of Electronic Health Records: Challenges & Recommendations


Health Information Technology has brought rapid changes in the operating systems of healthcare industry. The changes are very rapid as well as they are affecting the performance of the clinicians as well nurses and other supporting departments. Electronic Health Records allows the electronic documentation related to the patient care services and by EHT the hospitals can maintain the patient records, family history, past medical history, laboratory and radiology tests, prescribed medicines and the prognosis without the use of paper. The system is also used by the physicians to refer the tests for the patients and also prescribe medicines electronically. The system allows an improved and error free communications between the health care providers as the data is readily available and there are least chances of communication errors. Along with the benefits the EHR system provides the implementation of the system has resulted in unexpected challenges and deleterious outcomes (Zandieh, 2008).


The paper will discuss three challenges faced by the implementation of Electronic Health records within ambulatory care centers, as well the possible recommendations to overcome these challenges. Choosing the best available EHR system for the hospital setting is the biggest challenge and the decision usually follows the scrutiny by the hospital management and board of directors, as it is an expensive investment. It also majorly depends how well the hospital staff will be compliant is using a system. The selection process initially focus on all the possible barriers keeping in view the size of the healthcare organization, the investment and the success rate, and most important how much it will be beneficial in terms of patient care (Lorenzi, 2009).

Challenge One

The staff does not want to own the implementation of EHR.

The working staff within the ...
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