Impacts Of Nursing Leadership

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Impacts of Nursing Leadership

Impacts of Nursing Leadership

Journal: Nursing Unit Managers, Staff retention and the Work Environment

This journal provided the research on the impacts of nursing unit manager's leadership characteristics as obtained by other colleague nurses, and on the staff retention and satisfaction. The research presented three model researches. The model had significant statistic outcomes for the “Praise and recognition for the job well done” item, but had low score in both the ways. While the item put strongest impacts on the job satisfaction as revealed in the statistical data. The study shows that positive work environment increase the level of staff retention and job satisfaction. The role of the Nursing environment is very important to create such environment. Good leadership characteristics include support, recognition, consultation, accessibility, visibility, and sophisticated dealing. The data collected in 21 public hospitals and 94 random wards in Australia from 2004-2006. The method was to perform a survey include 49 items related to the topic. The leadership domain had 12 items. Wards consisted of negative and positive leadership reporters. The NUM played a vital role in leadership, because of the very supportive organization in the form of visible executive. They had a seat meeting where the nursing and future related decisions are made.

Journal: The Nature of Leadership Style in Nursing Management

The journal produced the research on topic of the nature of the style of nursing leadership that is played by managers and the study on leadership style's perception of nurses. The positive leadership is considered that is associated with the job satisfaction retention of the nurses. Through tape-recorded interview questions in Ghana the survey was collected. The research showed that nursing managers employed minimal consultation and pressure to control the under employees. The analyst also observed that the nurses had incoherent and weak to design policies and implementing within the hospitals and working places.

It further summarized that nurses were lack of confidence, trust, and satisfaction with the nursing leaders. It observed that the nurses preferred more independent managers, articulate, and proactive leaders who can fight for the rights and favors of Nursing. In order to maintain the image of noble profession of Nursing, they will have move one step a head and become leader. However, this research is not applicable for every place because the culture and the traditions may differ and the authority power changes with place and organization. The management structure are different in various organizations, therefore, every organization may demand different solution for the unique leadership style.

Journal: The influence of Staff perception of leadership style on satisfaction with leadership: A Cross -Sectional Survey of Pediatric Nurses

The research conducted for knowing the perceptions about the leadership style of different leaders across the region. The survey was conducted through the questioner, which was answered by 179 supervisees and 16 supervisors. The technique used to analyze the data was parametric statistical techniques. Staff medical caretakers are prejudiced by initiative qualities when asked to charge approval with ...