Impact Of Social Networks On Relationship

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Impact of Social Networks on Relationship

Impact of Social Networks on Relationships


In this rapidly changing environment and society where knowledge, skills and World Wide Web plays an important role, we cannot deny the importance of social networks. There is wide variety of information and data available on internet. The data is available on the internet but many times it happens that we are unable to access or find the location. According to Hawkins a social network is a site where people can make their profiles and describe their interests (Wheeldon, 2012). Social networks can play an important role not only in building strong relationships and connection with family and friends but also by diversifying our relationships with others for knowledge sharing. We can get to know a lot of people belonging to similar industries or interest and develop relationships for the sole purpose of exchanging meaningful data and information that might be useful in our careers, assignments or work. In addition to this, business oriented people can employ variety of social networks for increasing customer ties and introducing and promoting the products and services. Companies can create a complete different page for the sole purpose of providing customers with the facility of socializing with each other and with company representatives.


Social Networks

Social networks are very important for increasing your public relations and keeping in touch with your family and friends, especially those living abroad. According to few authors, internet and social networks can prove to be more cheap, efficient and fast in terms of building connections and relationships with people (Wheeldon, 2012). I never used social networking site until facebook came. I tried staying away from becoming a member of facebook for quite a long time until it was impossible to ignore the fact that people were going crazy after this networking website. ...
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