Impact Of Media On Children's Attention Spans

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Impact of Media on Children's Attention Spans

Impact of Media on Children's Attention Spans


Television and games casts a negative effect on children's attention span. The impact of today's media on children has been discussed several times in academic, social, legal and psychological circles (Fisch, 2004). Although, Television serves the purpose of entertainment and education for children yet it also affects their mental abilities and their behavior is guided by the media. According to the research, Children develop negative influences in their behavior by seeing the television which results in deficiency in their attention span. However, shortening the attention span of children affects their abilities to learn and restrain them from focusing on anything.

It is a common phenomenon of children to watch movies or TV programs in every house. They also indulge themselves in violent video games which negatively shapes their behavior . Whatever content they come across on television and video games, they are not supposed to see that because of its sever repercussions on the mental health of children. Several programs which are aired on television also contain some element of violence which is dangerous for the children. (Eron et al., 2008). The content that is shown by media does not contain any productive message rather it creates negative and violent behavior among children or teenagers and reduces the attention span of children (Fisch, 2004). Furthermore, the role which media is playing cannot be neglected in the formulating opinions and ideologies regarding any specific thing or subject. Moreover, the showing of murders, deaths, drugs, weapons and sex is a major cause of the development of negative attitude or behavior and attention deficit among children.


It is really difficult for the parents to contain their children from watching programs on Television as some programs play chief role towards the education of their children and also provide impetus to the mental development among children (Eron et al., 2008). However, it is evident from the existing fact that today's media has crossed the limits of ethics in providing entertainment to the viewers. It is also claimed by Media that the programs that are shown by them are pivotal to effect change among the children and society. Although, most of the TV programs that are shown by media contain the content of violence, drugs, etc. which children find it attracting and something new for which they inspire and eventually their behavior is negatively influenced by them. Accordingly to the recently conducted research, TV programs cast a negative influence on the mental health of children. The violence is being observed by them on a continuous basis and severely affects their mental health. Impact of such TV programs can been among the children as violent behavior, showing anger and behave rudely with others. The most reliable and recent example in this regard are the incidents of shooting in schools of America (Muschert & Sumiala, 2012).

As it has been discussed earlier that media also change ideas and opinions of the people and children, the exposure of death to ...
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