Impact Of Islamic Teaching On The World

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Impact of Islamic Teaching on the World

Impact of Islamic Teaching on the World


Islam is the most popular growing religion in the western world and this paper discusses how it is taught and preached all around the world and how it is as well. The dynamics change from country to country and from nation to nation. The basic functions of the religion are the same all over the world; it resembles the point that Islam has a uniform structure throughout the world. The social impact of the existence of the religion is different from nation to nation.

Teachings of Islam

The teachings of Islam can be divided into the following sections

Basic Faith

The basic faith is comprised of two main things in the religion. First, to believe in oneness of Allah and the second part of faith is to believe the fact that Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of Allah and there will be no other Prophets after Him. The first part of the faith of Islam is based on a simple believe that there is only one God and that is Allah and no other person or entity can replace Him (Ahmad, 2003). Like Christianity and Judaism, it also focuses on oneness of Allah or God and the basic principle that underlies this religion that there is no supreme power but Allah and He has created everything in this universe and has made human kind.

Five pillars of Islam

The teaching of Islam is divided in to five pillars of faith. The first pillar is Taqwa. Taqwa is the belief of oneness of Allah (God). Taqwa is defined as piousness of a person. How clean you are from the inside? How clean is your soul your heat? This reflects to positive way of thinking and keeping yourself away from all the bad or haram things.

The second pillar is Namaz (prayer). Namaz is offered five times a day with every special moment of the day. As a follower of the religion, you start your day with prayer called Fajr. Fajr is the morning time the start of the day. In the middle of day, there is a prayer, which has to be offered, is called zauhar. After zauhar, the next prayer is called Asar. At the time of sunset is there is another prayer after Asar, which is called Maghrib, and at the end of the day, the last prayer is called Isa. The concept of five prayers is that a Muslim has to offer these five prayers at a very specific time, which is very crucial in all the prayers offered.

The next pillar of Islam is Fasting. A Muslim only fast one month and that month is called Ramadan. The reason behind fasting is that a Muslim has to realize how the people in the society operate and work. How that certain follower has everything and so many people in the world have nothing. It is way of realizing how important everyone in the society is. Ramadan is not about thinking about yourself and ...
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