Impact Of Contextual Characteristics And Instructional Implications

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Impact of Contextual Characteristics and Instructional Implications

Impact of Contextual Characteristics & Instructional Implications

The contextual factors pertinent to a segment of the population have a profound effect on the learning of individuals. The population of a society comprises of people from different economic, social and cultural segments. The acquisition of knowledge and education relies on an adequate identification of the population characteristics and an identification of the instructional implications that might occur (Jesudhas, 2010). In this paper, we would attempt to study the “impact of contextual /demographic characteristics of classroom, community and students on the planning, delivery and assessment of my unit”.

The contextual characteristics of a population include the effects of the environment and ecology in which the population operates. It includes a broad array or features i.e. community resources, political atmosphere, geographic location and demographics (Ripple, 1965). Now, we would associate the impact of these characteristics on the planning, delivery and assessment functions of the unit.


Planning plays a vital role in adequately designing a curriculum and establishing the learning outcomes of the unit. In order to effectively design my learning unit, the possible instructional implications would be identified and proper planning would be put in place to deal with the issues that might occur. The vital characteristics underlying the community, students and classroom would be understood thoroughly to supplement the learning of the students.

The unit be based on a decent plan and would follow a specific mode of instruction, contents of the course and timing. It would ensure a smooth flow of knowledge in an effective manner. The contextual characteristics of a population heavily influence the planning entailed in a learning program. The objectives of the unit/course would be given priority and all features of the unit would follow a pre-determined pattern of instruction.


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