Impact Of Community, Gangs, And Depression On Adolescents

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Impact of Community, Gangs, and Depression on Adolescents

Impact of Community, Gangs, and Depression on Adolescents


The impact of community, gangs and depression has severe effects on the adolescents' physical and mental health. However, if the community role get improve in the adolescent life, than possible chances are there that the other two factors will be null and void because the community plays the most vital role other than parents. Therefore, in this paper, the author focused on the role of community, gangs and depression in the adolescent life.

The format of the paper is formulated in such a way that the author discussed the community violence and its impact on the teens life, similarly, the author than presented evidence how to avoid the violence and bring the teens to normal life. Similarly, the author focused on the gangs' aspect and at last the author highlighted the depression factor in teens. However, the author concluded the paper with some recommendations for the society to give teens a better society to live and grow old.


Community Violence

The author started the discussion with the community violence and the effect of that violence of the children and teens. For this purpose, the author consulted the US Department of Veteran Affairs (2012), according to the department; today's teen facing various events of community violence. The most common community violence that the teen facing is the physical threat or direct violence that in certain cases severely hurt the teen. Similarly, beside external threat, a teen may face the violence from the family members, peers and close partners, however, the nature of exploitation based on stabbed, raped, being shot or beaten. The author is of the view that in recent year's community violence got a notable attention in the media because of the adults because in most of the cases adults were notified in the community violence (Jackson, 2007).

Facing community violence by children

The general observation regarding the community violence is that it mainly occurs in the gangs and parts of inner-cities. Similarly, the victims of community violence are those that belong to the lower class, non-white, and also living in the crowded parts of the cities. Within the same reference, the author found that only in the United States of America, almost one third of the boys and girls ranging between 10 to 16 years are affected by the direct violence, which linked with the sexual and physical assault (Singer & Flannery, 2004)

Effects of Community Violence

The most general problem of community violence in children is that children face really difficulty in coping with the medical and physical problems. The most common problem that a child faces due to the community violence is Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD). Regarding the PTSD, there are two views in the society. One half of the society believed that community violence did not harm the young children because they are in the early phase of the life and they cannot even remember what happened to them as the time ...