Impact Of 9/11

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Impact Of 9/11

Time Scale1


Review of the Literature3


Background of the attacks4

Overview of 9/11 attacks4

Impact of 9/11 on US5

Impact on domestic and foreign policy of US6

9/11 impact on American Citizens8



Time Scale

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Write conclusions and implications

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This paper discussed the devastating impact of 9/11 on United States. The aim of this paper was to determine the impact of 9/11 attacks on America. These attacks had a significant impact on the domestic and foreign policy America. These attacks also affected the American citizens and American laws. The events of 11 September 2001 were the terrorist hijacking of four commercial airplanes in the United States. The overall image of America was also affected considering it to be the reason for their way of showing their reaction to each country. The changes which took place after the attacks have affected the whole world. Similarly, the policies have changed the American Citizens has also suffered due to the policies change.

Review of the Literature

The paper was based on collecting literature from different libraries and books such as Google Books, EBSCO and Proquest etc. Different key words were used for searching literature for the study which includes: impact of 9/11 on America, impact of 9/11 worldwide.


This paper would discuss the devastating impact of 9/11 on United States. After the Sep 11, 2001 terrorist attack feelings of uncertainty developed regarding national security and the possibility of future attacks. Similarly, the feelings of uncertainty also increased regarding the impact of these attacks on United States and economies in the global community. This uncertainty had more impact on United States as it was suffering from recession.

The attacks struck US significant economic symbol known as “The World Trade Center” and US military capability, “The Pentagon”. This resulted in the four days suspension of the overall Wall Street trade activities. On the basis of the attack, three predictions were made: first considered attack as insignificant, second prediction was that the economy would be worsening, resulting in loss of US economic hegemonic power and recession. Third prediction made after the attack was that these attacks would not change the economic direct ion of the country, but if another attack like this if hit would result in the continuation of recession. Furthermore, it was also believed that the attacks would benefit in increasing spending on technology and security to overcome these kinds of attacks.

Background of the attacks

The 9/11 attacks resulted in a serious damage to the economy. The event had also affected global markets. According to many people, 9/11 was a terrorist act. Nevertheless, according to different studies and scholars, it was an inside job. In order to support this argument, scholars presented different evidences. The evidences of the involvement of Al-Qaida and Osama Bin Laden can be seen in the videos of speeches and interviews of Osama ...
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