Impact Evaluation And Accountability

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Impact Evaluation and Accountability


Improved accountability is generally directly relates to improved the health care system performance. It is suggest that better accountability of health care system should be remain straight and simple, however it contains a lot of complexity. This paper aims to describe the definition of accountability, financial, political and performance based. The paper also describe that how can these three accountability strategies will be helpful to improve performance of health care sector, reduce abuse of money and assuring compliance with standards. In addition, Evaluation of health care program will remain key part of this paper. The results can be effective to enhance health care system performance and them able to contribute sustainability.





Health care program evaluation2

Integrating Evaluation2

Framework to Evaluate public Health programs3



Impact Evaluation and Accountability


All health care system needs to contain accountability of different types which able to functions with the degree of success. However, most of the times they failed or not efficient to maintain accountability of public money and it would be not helpful to improve this sector. According to American Broadcasting Corporation ("ABC"), correspondent John Stossil reported on the results of government spending of tax dollars aimed at amelioration of social ills. The paper aims to evaluate the health program to improve infrastructure and guide them to best use of allocated resources in their current and future programs.


According to Schoen and his colleagues (2010), the public programs for providing health care eliminate the higher expenses of health care services from the automobile insurance, compensations of workers, and medical malpractice. The concept of accountability of the government programs remains only in theory. Because, public funding is not appropriately used by government for social health care programs. Study indicates that 65% people is more than 30 states of US are not able to receive appropriate health care. There is a need to evaluate accountability of health care programs in order to improve health care settings.

It is the responsibility of the governing bodies to explain the wide structure of the health program funded by the public. Moreover, they must also give the details of financing resources and procedures. A careful public design is essential along with the administrative body in order to prevent the corruption via the people having special interests. The administrative body must be accountable to the system of quality health services with the insulations by the pressure of special interests.

The establishment should also possess the substantial effects on the health care system related to public financing. This effect must ensure the sustainability, cost effective spending of public funds and realistic expenses associated to quality care (Bodenheimer & West, 2010).


What is accountability? In the poor rural areas, government struggle to deliver the service because of corruption, overwhelm staff, vacancies and poor infrastructure of health care sector. According to George, (2002), Makers of health policy, often miss the opportunity to improve their services in disadvantage areas. However, accountability is the best understood as a moderator of the referee of dynamics in the two way relationship such as, ...
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