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Human Disease and immunity

Human Disease and Immunity

Definition of Health

The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The other definition of health defined by British Medical Journal is “the ability to adapt and self manage in the face of social, physical, and emotional challenges”. It is important to define health as it is the objective of the research and the overall study relating to health. The definition given by the World Health Organization is not conclusive as it does not take into account the current conditions. The only factors taken into consideration are the physical, social, and mental welfare, but it does not consider the absence of disease. The conditions of the definition cannot be fulfilled as it cannot be attained by most of the people.

If we take the definition its true sense than it would mean that most of the people are not healthy majority of the time. The definition is not workable in another way that it does not consider the trend of the elderly population with the rising burden of chronic disease. Humans do not have the ability to deal in parallel with life's constantly varying physical, public and emotional disputes, and to operate with complete, and a sense of being well with a persistent disease or disability. A good definition has to make sure that it takes into account the ground realities of the current era. The new definition may meet the present realities that are prevailing in the society. The next step is to create and maintain the capabilities of human to adopt and deal with the realities of life. Some people like general practitioners may have these abilities, and for them to deal with diseases is a relatively easier task (Godlee, 2011).

Category of Diseases


Cholera is an infectious disease that happens due to the bacterial pollutant which impacts the amalgamation of water in the small intestine. Cholera was present from the earliest centuries of humanity, causing acute diarrhea in appearance similar to rice water, vomiting and, in more severe cases, cramps, weight loss and intense eyes bleary. It is transmitted by ingestion of food, water, fish, and seafood and fresh-water animals contaminated by feces or vomit of an individual with the disease, without proper treatment. Hands that had contact with the bacteria or even flies and cockroaches can cause infection by this pathogen. The latter can act as mechanical vectors, carrying the vibrio for water and food. It is categorized as infectious as it can transfer from a number of sources (Clark & Ede, 2011).

Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease is the universal type of heart disease in the developed world. Avoidance focuses on the variable risk factors, including lowering cholesterol stages, obesity and hyper tension, evading a inactive routine, and making healthy food choices. It is also significant to maintain normal blood pressure, work out, and quitting ...
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