Immigration Past, Present And Future

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Immigration Past, Present and Future

Immigration Past, Present and Future


Immigration is considered as the movement of entry, with permanent or temporary and spirit with the intention of working and / or residence, individuals or populations from one country to another. Immigration should not be confused with the figure of the immigrant to the tourist who enters into a country only in order to visit it and then return to their home country (Bryan, 2008).

First Americans

For a long time the first who arrived here has been a topic of vigorous debate. The palate mosaic of people and cultures that represent America today, raises the intensity of this debate. Discover human remains that have been made by anthropologists over the last several decades provide evidence that long before the Ellis Island opened its doors for good come to those people seeking religious freedom and policita, as well as the "adventurer, vagabond , persecuted, and other "America was a kaleidoscope of ethnic and cultural groups. Thus, the history of U.S. immigration covers a long period of migration of many people from various parts of the world. A common belief is that America was originally peopled by wanderers from Northeast Asia about 20,000 years ago. Some people believed that these vagrants were the founder population (and ancestors!) Of Native Americans today. Others believe that the first Americans came from Polynesia, South Asia or Europe. Others believe that the first Americans were killed by others who came after and not left any offspring.

The debate continues to rage! However, something that should not be forgotten in this debate is the fact that they were 20,000, 10,000 or 1000 years ago, most immigrant groups came to America full of hopes and dreams of the Promised Land. "

Around the year 1000, came a small amount of Vikings. Five years later, the great European migration began. In some cases, the coexistence of Europeans and Native Americans was peaceful. In other cases, there were cultural clashes, bringing violence and disease. Many settlers from Europe and Asia came to seek his fortune in a country which thought had unlimited resources. However, many people in Africa has been acquired against their will and forced to work as laborers working on building the new nation. As early as 1619, slaves from Africa and the Caribbean were brought forcibly to America.

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence, announcing the separation of the colonies of Britain, and establishing themselves in the United States, is considered the most important document of the United States, and a national symbol of freedom.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the document between June 11 and June 28, 1776. Expression unparalleled "real truth" led the American people's belief in individual freedom and enumerates their grievances against the King to justify their break from their mother country. The Declaration of Independence affirms the fundamental American idea, but was based on the theory of "natural rights" previously adopted by the writers: John Locke, Emerich Vattel, Jean Jacques ...
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