Since ancient times, wars and natural disasters, the pursuit of happiness and curiosity make people move around the planet. It is true that for most of human history, the interaction between people of different cultures and people were quite limited because of distance and environmental conditions do not encourage the meeting of different cultures face to face. Intercultural contacts were largely the prerogative of the travelers, soldiers, diplomats, and merchants. Today the world is getting smaller, and the contact between people and their representatives, there are more.
Migrations are not what they were in the past when the uprooting, nostalgia and forgetfulness were some of the characteristic features of these movements. Today the situation has changed thanks to the improvement in the quality and intensity of communication between those who leave and their societies of origin. Both the dramatic decline in the prices of telephone calls and tickets (and more frequently) as the explosion of the Internet have revolutionized the lives of immigrants. However, this improvement is only one aspect in the daily lives of those who, for various reasons, have been forced to leave their countries. They and their families, here and there, a large number of known problems, some of which are outlined below.
Globalization and its changes have improved interpersonal communication between migrants and their countries of origin. Thus, the links between the colonies of Latin American immigrants and the society they left behind, including their families, have become more intense. Despite the great distances involved and the bulwark Atlantic Ocean, today there is a greater ability to listen to radio and watch TV from countries of origin and to read the daily newspaper. As if this were not enough, it is clear that immigrants are a huge market and there are plenty done critical mass begins to develop an offer communication "latin" reinforcing the trend. The sum of all these developments allows ties with the society of origin are very narrow, that customs and native languages ??are easier to maintain and that incentives for integration are lower than in the past. Added to this is the growing importance of the "trade of longing," which allows immigrants access without too much effort, its traditional consumer goods, especially food and drink, but also others, such as the press.
The main problems facing much of Latin American immigrants in Spain, and immigration in general, come from illegal immigration. From it derive other issues of great social gravity, often compounded by the existence or dependency of organized criminal groups, mafias, who live on the needs of immigrants. Thus we find issues such as social marginalization, poor access to housing, commonly settled with the occupation of substandard housing, clandestine or semi-clandestine life in which the illegal move, which is in turn cause greater evils; job dedication in poor quality jobs or badly paid, crime, prostitution and exploitation of minors.
The lack of proper papers to illegal immigrants subject to greater daily stress, as it not only denies them access to a range of ...