The United States of America represents power, freedom and liberty. Our nation offers opportunity and hope to people from other countries that desire to be free from dictatorships, oppression and fear. On a daily basis people migrate to the United States. Miami Florida is a major port for immigrants arriving from many places. A large majority of these immigrants come from South America and the islands of the Caribbean. Many people believe that the current U.S. immigration policies show a double standard, issuing unfair treatment to many migrants that come to the United States in search of an improved existence. For example, Cuban migrants who successfully reach our shores are allowed to stay and are given the opportunity to establish citizenship while immigrants arriving from other Caribbean islands, although meeting the criteria required for asylum, must establish asylum claims under more rigorous standards before desperately waiting to see if they will be offered the same opportunity. This is a double standard.
It has been expressed by some, that racial discrimination, is the reason that the double standards exist. In attempts to justify such controversial treatment, others have argued that there is not a double standard, but that Political and Economic issues are the reason for this manner of treatment. As a resident of South Florida, and having heard and carefully considered issues from different viewpoints, I am aware that discrimination is only one issue among many that must be reconciled within U.S. Immigration policies. It has become apparent that the current U.S. immigrations policies must be amended because they do show double standards, separate families and bring animosity toward the United States, which is viewed by many around the world as being morally corrupt.
Although America Claims that it extends an invitation to all those who dream of being free and desire a chance to live the American dream, evidence notes “In contrast to the welcome afforded Cubans” (Economist, 2004, p. 24). Haitians were not as frequently allowed the privilege to seek asylum in the United States. Unlike Latin American Refugees, Haitians escaping terrible conditions in their country; soon after Mr. Aristide was removed from power were prevented from seeking asylum in the United States. The Coast Guard, acting under the command of former President George Bush Sr., would not allow these refugees to enter into U.S. waters (Economist, 2004). It is also a common, distressing occurrence that many immigrants arriving here have been separated from their families while waiting in a political indeterminate state. (Danticat, 2003) Some family members have been separated immediately upon arrival; being held in separate detention facilities. Others are separated due to issues involving the current specifications for holding a visa or work permit. The views of our immigrant and international labor policies held by other countries make it increasingly difficult to establish Economic and Political allies. In order to maintain respect, the U.S. will do well to consider changing its current policies.
Many immigrants that have left their homes behind to seek a better way of life in ...