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Immigration is said to be a process of movement of an individual or more than one individual from one location to the other which in present time's case is movement from one country to the other. Immigration is said to be based on a premise and the premise could entail many reasons. When it comes to the premise of Immigration; a layman example can include birds migrating from one place to the other based on the premise of weather or for search of food considering the fact when the season goes off it tends to make the survival difficult for the birds to live and therefore they need to travel. The situation is said to be mutual when it comes to humans. They tend to migrate based on the premise of better job opportunities which can aid them in earning the monetary value they desire to fulfill their needs as well as wants. Immigration is said to be a process which tends to legalize the process of migration. There are many countries which are said to have laws that have work permits and they allow the individual belonging from a different country to immigrate and then come to their country and further verify their visa along with the visa limits. The work permits and the visa process are mandatory since it tends to verify that the individual that has migrated is working in a legal manner and in a legally apt firm. The duty of the Immigration department in countries is to have a verification of the candidate that has said to apply for the process of Immigration. The department is said to scrutinize the process that is involved when it comes to the verification and the premise behind the migration, verification of the documentation and the length of stay.

Immigrants are said to be individuals who move or relocate from one country to the other. People also travel to another country for tourism sake but that cannot be termed as immigration at an actual level considering the fact that they don't reside in the area permanently, they tend to travel for a shorter period of time. Individuals who tend to relocate themselves for a longer period of time can be termed as immigration (Li, P. S, 2003). There have been many immigrants who have the planning to live their lives in the other location for an extensive period of time since they want to enjoy the benefits that the country has in terms of the citizenship of the country. In the year of 2009 there were a total of 200 million at a worldwide level that had said to migrate from one country to the other for a longer period of time. Upon emigrating from one country to the other there are number of reasons that are verified before allowing the individual to gain access to the country. If the reason is valid with respect to the documents that have been provided then the person is allowed to reside in ...
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