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This research paper is discussing the immigration impacts to the economic function of countries especially, United States of America. This paper discusses that, how illegal immigration is affecting the economy of United States and the role of policy makers in making strategies. There is also a discussion how these immigrants may work in United States and, what factors they contribute in the national income of US GDP.


Strategy Solutions4

Policy Makers and Enforcement rules5

President's role6

Effeciency versus Distribution6

Market Responds7

Overall Immigration impact is small7

How many and whom we shall admit?8





With the advancement of population, it has been researched that is much failure in controlling the immigration and, questions are raised for national securities in United States of America and other countries. According to an estimate there are 12 million immigrants who are unauthorized and lived in United States for many years. The presence of these unauthorized immigrants are not tolerated for many cases. After 2000, policy makers have made strict rules in order to secure their borders and restrict number of immigrants outside the border. These immigrations are affecting the economy conditions as there are threats of national identity crises and ill legal immigration prospects. In United States of America, Immigration and Policy Reponses is stating that due to the limitations in the legislations, there are problems faced by the policy makers. Some policy makers have noticed that this is due to the gap between the purported intent and practical effects. Considering the economic strategies of United States of America, it has been researched that immigration is adversely affecting the economic function.

Strategy Solutions

There are two possible strategy solutions such as; illegal immigration may be controlled at the first place and, domestic enforcement measures that will make the illegal immigrations unsuccessful. When these solutions are implemented then, citizens and government will notice how the policies are working in order to stable economic function (Borjas, 1999). I have considered models in order to answer these questions.

Considering all these facts, there has been no solution because these issues are not documented on official level. Unauthorized immigrants are the sources of low skilled labor as they know they cannot appeal to United States' government for high skilled jobs and high paid jobs. Illegal immigration has brought poor economic conditions to some extent and, it is also researched that green cards are not available for these low skilled workers but, there are two main low skilled temporary visa programs. If we consider the whole economy of United States then, illegal immigration has affected the economy function of various countries to small extent. Employers in United States want to gain advantage from the low skilled labor and they are using their land, capital and technology to be more productive in this sense. If we consider the little fiscal burden of the unauthorized immigrants in United States then, the entire benefit is found to be close enough to zero or nearly not considered.

Policy Makers and Enforcement rules

Now the question arises where are the policy makers? Every new reform ...
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