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Immigration, Diversity and Social Cohesion and the Effect on Education in the UK

Immigration, Diversity and Social Cohesion and the Effect on Education in the UK


Immigration tends to interpret itself as the act on the part of the non-natives who tends to come in a country to get a permanent residence. However, there can be various reasons attached to the idea of immigration which tends to vary. However, some of the common reasons due to which people tend to indulge into this act include economic and political situation, natural disasters and similar factors. However in the context of this paper we will be looking immigration in the context of United Kingdom in order to fulfil the needs of this paper.

Any understanding of the factors encouraging immigration to the United Kingdom must rest on an understanding of the economic conditions which tend to motivate immigrants, as well as the effects of their presence in the United Kingdom. Though the groups coming to the United Kingdom have changed over time in their place of origin as well as the role they assumed after arriving, economic factors have generally been the primary driving forces behind both immigration and responses of United Kingdom's residents to immigrants.

Irrespective of the conditions which force an individual to leave his or her native land tends to have an effect not only on the immigrant but on the society as a whole (Robert 2009, p.117).


Diversity in its literal meaning tends to stand for the difference, however in the context of this paper the diversity would be referred to as cultural diversity. When an immigrant tends to enter another country he or she do not arrives alone but tends to bring a bag full of his or her cultural values. Many experts tends to side in favour of the cultural diversity whereas some of the experts tend to oppose this whole idea. Every page has two sides similarly every idea has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cultural diversity does tend to create a feeling of affection and brotherhood between different cultures and enable each other to understand the different cultures in order to remove any misunderstanding in this regard. Whereas, Cultural diversity tends to give birth to many problems in the society. Since not everyone is ready to accept the individuals who tries to alter their social structure.

Although cultural diversity can help a country to grow since ...
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