Immigrant/Low-Income Women In Central Ohio

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Immigrant/Low-Income Women in central Ohio

Prenatal Care to Low Income/Immigrant Women in Central Ohio


The main reason is that in central Ohio the government does not allow the low income and immigrant women to seek for the prenatal care. As per the officials of Central Ohio it is not allowed to the low income and immigrant women to seek for the prenatal care in Central Ohio. The officials claim that the main reason behind this restriction is the differences in cultural beliefs and the lack of education. As per the officials of central Ohio, this decision will be helpful for the society in the terms that the low income/ immigrant women will get the understanding of the Prenatal care and will give value to Prenatal care and thus will seek the Prenatal care for the purpose of better health outcomes of their baby as well as their own health.

There are different regards in this decision and different analysts have contrasting perceptions in this regard. As per some analysts it is a very good decision taken by the government of Central Ohio in providing benefits to the society in terms of educating the women of the society (Government Accountability Office, 2011). At the same time different people believe that this decision is actually a violation of the rights being exercised by the women of Central Ohio. As per these people it is not a correct and proper decision as the prenatal care is the right of every woman irrespective of their cultural values and social background. Therefore, it is necessary that the low income/immigrant women should also exercise the rights of gaining prenatal care and thus assuring that the proper guidance can teach them to educate their children in a better manner. The main purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis on the issue that the low income/immigrant women are not allowed to seek prenatal care due to the cultural differences and the lack of education. The paper also discusses the importance of prenatal care training to these women so that they can benefit the society as well as also take care of their baby's health as well as their own.


Prenatal care is considered to be a very important reproductive health care service which is used for assuring that the women is going through a healthy pregnancy procedure. The Prenatal care is mainly allowed in the cases of properly monitoring the complications in pregnancy including the low fetal birth weight. The low birth weight can also lead towards the mortality of the infant and development of different disabilities (Dorn, 2011). Therefore, effective prenatal care is necessary and essential in such cases as it helps in increasing the health of the mother as well as the child. In United States, Prenatal care is an effective offer to the immigrants as it provides them the opportunity to avail the health care system of United States and maintain healthy and positive relationships with the provider. There are also some cases in which ...