Imc And Customer Satisfaction

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IMC and Customer Satisfaction


In the past few decades marketing has become the most important tool in the hands of the business community. The sales of a product are directly dependent to how good or bad the product has been marketed in the industry and for the consumers.

Integrated Marketing Communication has been a new technique of marketing which blends various tools of communication, advertisement and marketing for the marketing of the product and thereby boosting the sales of the product.

The service of our coffee shop which sells coffee by the brand name of coffee 24 x 7 cafe will be administering the tools of IMC to boost the sales and ensure customer satisfaction on the basis of price of the product, taste, quality and promotional strategies.


Advertising Strategy

The advertising strategy for the company is simple in which we will be focusing to grab the customer's attention through all means. Billboards will be used to advertise the coffee shop all over the city, magazines and news papers will be sued for advertising as the readers usually prefer coffee with their reading.

The youth will be entertained by supplying discount vouchers to high school and university students who are in the near vicinity of the coffee shop. SMS marketing will promote discount deals for the company to gather more customers.

This strategy of advertising which is multi domain will achieve the key marketing goals. Our prime marketing goal is to use all resources of advertisement through which a prospectus customer can be brought to the coffee shop.

Televised marketing and radio based marketing is not a part of our advertising strategy because this domain of advertisement is sued for nationwide customers but we are more relying on genuine coffee lovers and those students who are new to the addiction of coffee. Secondly this marketing will put a hefty budget and the outcome will not turn out to be an effective one, we will only target our selected customers (Pushparanjan, 2009). 

Measurement of the Effectiveness of the Marketing

The advertisement is done in such a manner that the customer's entry will ensure which source of advertisement has brought in the customer. The high school and university will be noticed by his or her age; secondly the discount coupons they will bring will ensure that the customer is because of the pamphlet marketing.

If the customer shows the SMS for discount then he will be marked to the SMS marketing list. If a reader brings in has coupon from the newspaper cutting or the magazines in which we have advertised will ensure that the customer is from the reader's domain.

The rest of the customers might be because of the billboards or walk - in customers and we will be marking them in the category of other marketing strategy. This measurement will help us count how many customers have entered because of which advertisement style.

The overall marketing will be measured when the reports of sales for previous months will be compared with the reports ...