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Integrated Marketing Communication

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Integrated Marketing Communication


The integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a business strategy that ensures the effective communication throughout the business processes. The effective communications helps the organization in creating good customer relationship and to retain the customer that create values for the organization and creates the organization's brand image. The integrated making communication conveys the brand message in very efficient and effective way. The effective marketing communication is the key to effective marketing impact upon the customers. The main objective of IMC is to function effectively altogether all the aspects and elements of effective marketing communication mix that includes sales promotions, public relation, direct and online marketing, and advertising. It is very important that all these marketing communication mix are linked together. The whole work in interlinked with one another that increases the efficiency of each marketing communication mix strategy.

The communication is generally described as the exchanging and sharing of meaningful information, ideas, and thoughts among the marketing intermediaries and among the individuals or group of individuals and also among the various elements of an organization. In the organization where the business communication plays an important role in the business operations, the integrated communication systems inside the organization plays its important role. It plays its important role in a manner that assists the organizations and the organizational aspects to achieve the objectives and the missions of the organizations. The integrated communications system within the organization develops the healthy relation among the different departments of the organization and allows the managers and the leaders of the organizations in developing the appropriate strategies and objectives that ensures the organizational success. An effective integrated marketing communication is the important characteristic of management and it is significant for the managers in order to carry out in efficient and effective decisions for the effective planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The effective and efficient integrated marketing communication systems within an organzaition make sure that there is the proper and efficient flow of information throughout the organizational departments that can further help out the managers and leaders in carrying out their duties significantly and efficiently. With the help of proper communication systems, the important organizational information or the information regarding the departmental units of the organization is timely communicated to the managers of the departments and this assists the managers in taking proper decision relating to the planning and organizing of the organizational functioning and the performance. The integrated marketing communication systems allows the marketing departments of the organizations to conduct their marketing activities exact at the time when it is needed and at the time when the marketing activities are required to take certain steps for the improvement in the procedures and processes. When there are improper integrated marketing communication systems, the communication cannot be flow adequately among the departments and particularly in the marketing departments and this can lead to the ineffective and efficiency of the performances and thus the achievements of goals become critical for the organizations and the organizational departmental ...
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