Illegal Performance Enhancing Drug

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Illegal Performance Enhancing Drug

Illegal Performance Enhancing Drug


Every athlete has a will and desire to look perfect, perform effectively in sports and outperform in competitions. It is a will to win the game at every possible cost. It is a fierce competition going on among all that never ends. At times it becomes a motivation for professionals and young athletes to win a scholarship, get recognition at state level and gain popularity in country. It becomes a ticket to get recruited for a professional team. The urge to win and stand out among athletes become a leading cause for youngsters and professionals at times to take illegal drugs that are aimed at enhancing the performance in sports. It has been the way to attain great physic and monetary gains as well. It does not only provide some physical gain but it is worth mentioning that every gain comes along with certain pain so there has to be a cost for taking these illegal drugs. Unfortunately the effects of taking such illegal drugs have been not yet studied appropriately or empirically in long term. People usually think of short term benefits only and avoid its disadvantages and dangerous effects on health (, 2011).


The use of illegal drugs for enhancing performance in sports has become very common these days and it is considered as part of mainstream now a days. As per estimates there are around 3 million people inclusive of young athletes that are engaged in taking steroids within USA. The rate of utilization of these drugs is about 12% among young boys and around 2% among girls. This has been common news on media that both professional athletes and Olympic sportsmen take such drugs and also it has been used by young student athletes as well that are still in their teenage. As per a survey conducted in 1999 in a high school football team and results revealed that there were around 6% of all players who were engaged in taking steroids and it was further reported that these youngsters started taking steroids at the age of 14. It is a fact that most of the illegal drugs users deny from the disadvantageous effects of these drugs. As per a study, 56% of steroid users don't discuss their involvements in these drugs with medical care takers (Silver, M.D. 2001).

Steroids have become the common topic and concerns for teens and adults from a long time period. Use of Steroids is mainly done for the purpose of achieving desired physical shape such as more muscular or leaner body. However, use of these drugs is considered as legal. Initially, Steroids was primarily used by only athletes in the field of sports for the purpose of muscle building, but today many young people are misusing it in order to compete with each other in terms of looks and body shape. It has turned into a recreational drug that has caused serious health problems (Dugan. E. 2009).

These drugs have existed from a ...
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