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John Lewis - Strategic Information System

John Lewis - Strategic Information System


In many organizations, it is observed that the bosses tend to focus more on the losses incurred to their businesses that are more related towards technological or Information systems and advancements in either. However, it is also an observed fact that new jobs are created every day due to the same information systems departments, thus making it vital to the body of people working under stressful conditions to provide such advancement to their employees. Information systems departments used to only belong to the financial aspect of organizations, but times have changed and now we live in the age of information itself, thus this department is now being taken into the mainstream, allowed a lot more limelight and importance than it was say ten years ago. Programmers were only allowed a limited amount of say into what could be utilized as overall organizational use and thus were part of the organizational hierarchy that was not considered as important as P.R or customer relations management. Additionally, the marketing aspect of organizations was given a lot more significance since it had a more direct link to the customers with which the organization was trying to communicate.

Now, business reports reveal that the technical side of things are put out there more because the rate of computer literacy is a lot more than it was ten years ago. Apart from this, programmers are now allowed a lot stronger positions within organizations relating to the fact that they have know-how that no amount of marketing professionals will be able to communicate to the end user. Not only do they understand the technical side of computing but are more understanding of the business processes and how every little detail may affect the overall organizational plan. They are able to adapt to the technological advancements being introduced every day and are able to bring the organization up to speed, so it doesn't get left behind in the highly competitive business environment of today. In this paper, I will be analyzing the strategic information systems being currently utilized at John Lewis, the infamous up market department store that is spread all across the U.K. and has been in business since 1864. I hope to achieve a better understanding of strategic information management as well as its relation to customer relationship management in the context of John Lewis stores this way.


The chain of department stores has been functioning for such a long time that it is rather known as a household brand for upscale Britons. Not only this, it received a Royal Warrant by the Queen herself in 2008, solidifying its position in the minds of the entire world as one of the best and successful departmental stores around. There are 40 stores placed around the United Kingdom, which includes Scotland and New Wales. The store that opened in Oxford Street in 1864 remains to be the largest John Lewis store and people from across the country ...
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