Ieee - Computer Society

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IEEE - Computer Society

IEEE - Computer Society


IEEE is a nonprofit association of scholars and researchers. Founded in 1884, American Society unites experts in the field of electronics and related fields. IEEE has the status of a world organization, and membership in the IEEE is not geographically limited. At this time, the society has over 360 thousand people from about 150 countries and the largest global technical-professional societies. IEEE stands for The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE is the global, technical, professional association, which promotes the interests of society and its members in electrical, electronic, computer, information and other areas.

Computer Association IEEE Computer Society publishes about 30 magazines devoted to various aspects of computer technology but the flagship journal of the Association is the monthly Computer magazine; each issue is usually associated with a current computer topic. Up till mid-80's, similar work with a focus on preparation programs in computer engineering was independently conducted by the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS). Since 1985, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE / CS works in this direction together. In 1989, their Joint Task Group was chaired by Peter Denning who was a famous specialist and teacher in the field of computer software released a detailed report “Computing as a discipline”, who formulated the principles of teaching the subject computing, spanning computer science and computer engineering. IEEE-CS is the world's leading membership organization for computing professionals.


History of IEEE Computer Society began in 1946 when it was formed as a subcommittee on computing-based American Institute of Electrical Engineers (American Institute Electrical Engineers - AIEE). After five years, the Institute of Radio Engineers was formed by a professional group on electronic computers (Professional Group on Electronic Computers - PGEC). Leaders of both groups have their leading members as volunteers. In 1963, the AIEE and ARE merged into the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE). Accordingly, based on the subcommittee and the group has established a new society, which became known as IEEE Computer Society. Since 1970, the society has started to choose its president (Smith, 1991).

At this time, the group PGEC became an organization with many elements inherent in modern Computer Society, with the exception of the technical committees and the committees on education. In this early period of the most significant area of activity was the preparation and organization of conferences, but for ...
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