Identifying Manufacturers/Suppliers that require U.S. Commerce Export License for Certain of their products
Identifying Manufacturers/Suppliers that require U.S. Commerce Export License for Certain of their products
Research Statement
In this paper, the research is made on the bureau of the industry and security (BIS) which maintains the commerce control list that includes the list of the products that are subjected to BIS. This paper examines the Commerce Control List and the reason of the control which is observed in the most countries is the missile technology and the regional stability. The products which need the export license for the transmission in other countries is because of their sensitive nature and devastating effects. These products are taken in highly extensive care and control because they are used in measure areas and dimensions of the country (, 2012). These domains are sensitive and they can affect some measure functions of the either country, in which the export is done or from where the export is made.
However, the countries when classify the products in the CCL, lists the reason of the classification of the products as well. Furthermore, the commercial used products were extracted from the Commerce Control List that are prohibited in the most targeted countries. This is because of their extensive use and national security (, 2008). In addition, the CCL restrain some commercial used product because of their demand in the country, national security and other government policy for the welfare of the nation. Lately, the suppliers and manufacturer of these products have been highlighted (, 2012).
The products which were discovered were
1.Special Materials and Related Equipment, Chemicals, “Microorganisms,” And “Toxins”
3.Sensor and Laser
4.Telecommunications and Information security
Some of the Commercial used products which required the export license to the most of the country are