Identifying A Problem

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Identifying a Problem

Identifying a Problem


A sub specialty of family medicine and internal medicine that mainly focuses on the healthcare of elderly people mostly living in adult facilities such as nursing homes etc is commonly known as Geriatrics. The main aim of this specialty or service is to promote health by treating and preventing disabilities and diseases in the elderly people. The attendants and the supporting staff who work in these facilities need to have exceptional experience in managing the needs and wants of the elderly patients who need healthcare and support in managing their lives (Stitt, 2011).

Over Medication in Geriatric Population

An appropriate medical treatment that can occur if an individual takes excessive or unnecessary medications is known as over medication. This is generally happened in elderly patient as the prescriber is not aware of other medications that the patient is taking currently; this can be due to human error or may be due to undiagnosed medical conditions.

It is quite common in the elderly people to develop a habit of having medication on a continuous basis as they start feeling that they are living just on these medications. Over medication in the elderly people is also very common issue and it is having severe impact on the health of older adults as due to having over medication the organs of these people start weakening. The geriatric patients face organ failure quite often as they have a habit of over medication such as having pills etc. The geriatric population often faces fatal side effects due to over medications. Due to having large quantity of pills such as antidepressants the internal organs of elderly people become inactive and at times they face serious health complications (Mcleod, 2009).

Age Limit

There is no specific age limit for the patients, who can become ...
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