Icts & International Order

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Role of Information Communication Technologies and Network Organization in Changing World Order

[4562 word count]



ICT and its role4

Network form of organization and its role5

Models and theories of International Order5





Importance of ICT's and network organization in the international arena8

Peripheral importance of ICT's and network organization in international order12


Role of Information Communication Technologies and Network Organization in Changing World Order


The end of the cold war dramatically changed the international system and more profoundly this cold war end has changed international order. Scholars have written a number of literatures to assess the impact of changing world order in economic, political and social terms. International order is the complex and many scholars have defined international order as the current political system of international and individual states in the comity of nations. We live in the era of globalization where technology changes at every moment and the impact of this change is felt by almost every nation. Magnitude of this impact varies according to country's economic standing. No state can fulfill its needs independently in this globalized world. One country has to depend on other to satisfy it growing needs and demands. So this results in the complicated economic interdependence situation. Some states have become more powerful than others economically. This economic disparity among nations has resulted in the international order. Economic superiority and political strength are the main aspect of the international order. This imbalance of economic international order has created problems and to main the stable international order different international organization is working. Most commonly is United Nation; an international body of nations to maintain peace and prosperity in the world. Many other regional organization and other informal international organizations operate side by side.

Technology has a great impact on the international system, and it changed dramatically the ways of conduct among the nations. Nuclear technology though gives security assurance but at the same time it is a threat for mankind. Communication and transportation have made it possible to transfer data in real time. In this report, I will put my effort to prove that information communication technology and network form of organizations remains peripheral on changing international order.


ICT and its role

Technology and its relationship with international relation have been debated with much interest. Science and technologies provide possibilities and poses a threat to a nation state system. States have found these problems such a gigantic that some time they find it difficult to tackle (Lester J P, 1977, pp 127). Number of the study suggests that technology is an inevitable force which subtly or intentionally changes the international order. Impact of information communication technologies are reflected on a daily basis in the global economy. Network form of the organization is a group of actors that pursue enduring, repeated exchange relations with one another. They lack legitimate organizational authority to resolve and arbitrate disputes arising from exchange. Strategic alliance, joint ventures, franchises, business groups, relational contracts, research consortia and outsourcing agreements all come under the purview of the network form of ...
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