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ICT Experience at Schools

ICT Experience at Schools


The integration of ICT in teachers' work should not be seen as a mechanical process or as a new teaching method, but it raises the whole question of preparation and training for teachers to use optimal ICT in connection with improving the quality of student learning and facilitating the educational activity. In other words, the question of the integration of ICT in teaching practice raises many methodological and organizational pane that circumscribed issues related to content. This study aims to provide an overview on the current situation of ICT in education and how the ICT is improving learning experience in schools. In particular, skills and attitudes of teachers in the field of information technology and communication (ICT) as well as their integration into their teaching practice.

ICT in Education

Education and training play a strategic role for the institution wishing to meet the needs of the information society and new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Thus, the new schools should occupy a prominent place in the policies adopted by all countries, specifically those in the developing world. It should in no circumstances neglect the educational and cultural dimensions in relation to economic or political situations. It is in this context that the curriculum must be given a priority along with the dynamic education and training in the schools in order to improve the sector's competitiveness while taking advantage of the innovative technology. Thus the introduction of ICT is emerging as a new paradigm of improving the education and learning experience (TLRP, 2012, pp. 1-6).Therefore, the gradual integration of these techniques to support the national curriculum is an important step in the implementation of the reform of the education sector. In addition, the mobilization for the integration of ICT in education should emphasize the human factor by being considered as the essential link in any implementation of policies and development strategies. Studies on the integration of ICT in teaching and learning are numerous. Some have emphasized the role that can be played by school principals to support a rational integration of ICT in teaching practice (Warwick, 2006, pp. 89-167). Others propose an integrated approach to ICT training based on the concept of research-action-training.

The computer has become a teaching tool of choice because of its potential for receiving, processing and retrieval of information as well as other opportunities for the establishment and operation of software education, which means saving time and effort for the teacher and the learner. Through these opportunities, resources can be adapted to each level; the presence of interactivity (image, sound, text, and video) can stimulate the innovative capabilities of the learner and break the routine of classical learning (Haydn & Counsell, 2008, pp. 75-86). However, teaching computer requires from the teacher a preliminary description of the steps that the student must take to solve a problem, a teaching useful in parallel as well as information on the criteria for assessing the ...
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