Ichrm & Performance Management

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ICHRM & Performance Management

Question A-Strategic management approach to human resource management3


Literature review3

Critical analysis6

Question B-Performance management11


Literature review11

Critical analysis13



ICHRM & Performance Management

Question A-Strategic management approach to human resource management


International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is an evolving and new area of practice. The concept is interlinked with many other disciplines such as communications, economics, public policy, strategy and political science (dmu.ac.uk, 2007). The development of multinational corporations and international business operations has originated this concept with their informal and formal personnel management approaches. The field of IHRM has continuously evolved over the years. For all international organisations, human resource is the key to success, and they must, in different national context, manage their human resources. Things become much more complex in a bigger international canvas (Harzing and Pinnington, 2011, Pp. 25-85).

Comparative human resource management and international human resource management are somewhat interlinked but different areas of enquiry (knowledge.sagepub, 2010). While the former focuses on explanation and description of similarities and differences between human resource practices, the latter concentrates on answering why and to what degree multinationals, across their subsidiaries, reproduce similar sets of human resource practices (Harzing and Pinnington, 2011, Pp. 25-85).

Literature review

Strategic human resource management

Strategic management implies coordinating human resource initiatives and tasks in order to enhance productivity. The role of the human resource department is to pursue organisational objectives by recruiting and managing staff. It is a future oriented role that allows the formulation of business strategy. International and comparative human resource management imply employee recruitment and selection, performance management and appraisal, training and development, compensation etc.

International human resource management comprises of the following components; personnel administration, development and converging strategic management and personnel function. How the personnel function is strategically is HRM. In order to exploit linkages between theory and practice the following examples are:

1. Human Resource Management in United States

The history of U.S. HRM dates back to 1890's when the first personnel office was established. Scientific management approach to managing human resource was prescribed by Frederick Taylor who emphasized on standardization of tasks and linking economic rewards to performance. This followed by theories that linked human resource management to psychology. This was illustrated by the famous Hawthorne studies by Elton Mayo. Strategic management approaches to human resource management were given a new direction by Douglas McGregor who argued that there are two types of managers-Theory X and Theory Y. While the former highlighted attributes of democratic style of leadership, the latter defined autocratic attributes (Pieper, 2005, Pp. (41-101).

2. Human Resource Management in France

In 1850's, most of the workforce of France was engaged in agriculture, but the concept of human resource management was important at that time as well. The HRM rules and principles were defined by the shops that operated there. Some large employers did provide the provision of medical aid and health care. In 1905 cities such as Paris had started to develop, but the concept of personnel management was still not well ...