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Hypnosis and anxiety are old friends. Today it is relatively common to use hypnosis to reduce anxiety. This is because the benefits of using hypnosis to reduce anxiety have been around for many years and it's relatively easy to see that hypnosis is in fact very effective at reducing anxiety. Using hypnosis to reduce anxiety is effective in all different types of people regardless of age. In fact, many doctors and hospitals allow people to use hypnosis to reduce anxiety about illnesses or medical procedures. This allows for the hospital to save some money on tranquillizers as well as helps the person being hypnotized to feel more naturally relaxed about the procedure itself.

As far as the first use of hypnosis to reduce anxiety, this is only effective when hypnosis is actually occurring. This doesn't mean that it can't help you at other times, however. You don't have to completely use hypnosis to reduce anxiety, instead you can use just part of the routine. For example, if you are a very anxious person and you start to have a panic attack, you can use the beginning part of your hypnosis routine in order to relax. This can be very effective in lessening or completely getting rid of the effects of your anxiety attack.

I tailor each treatment to the needs of every individual, helping them to go forward and not only change their behaviour patterns, but also implementing a different kind of lifestyle in many ways. It isn't as hard as many people think to achieve a healthy and balanced weight and hypnosis is a particularly strong medium to help maintain that state of good health.

Research Hypothesis

Hypnosis is an effective treatment for anxiety.

Significance of Study

The Use of Hypnosis The use of hypnosis is extremely wide, ranging from psychoanalysis of hysteria and nervous disorder to an anaesthetic in childbirth or purely for entertainment purposes.

Medical uses of hypnosis James Esdaile, a Scottish surgeon working in India, performed several hundred operations quite painlessly using hypnosis (mesmerism) alone as an anaesthetic. He or an assistant would invoke a state, now known as the “Esdaile State”, by stroking the patient's body for several hours. He recorded that fatal surgical shock or post operative infection occurred in only 5% of cases compared with the then norm of 50%. It has been proven that using hypnosis like this, as an anaesthetic has many benefits. It is obviously the cheaper method but more importantly the patients recover much faster after the operation and suffer much less post-operative pain. Only recently a woman in America was on the news, because being allergic to normal anaesthetics, she used auto-hypnosis for open heart surgery and remained in a relaxed, painless and conscious state throughout(Carmody, 2008).

Hypnosis is sometimes also employed to treat physical problems with a psychological connection, such as Raynaud's syndrome (a circulatory disease) and faecal incontinence in children. Researchers have demonstrated that the benefit of hypnosis is greater than the effect of a placebo and probably results from changing the focus of ...
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