Hyper Sexualized Culture And The Destruction Of Young Generation

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Hyper Sexualized Culture and the Destruction of Young Generation

Hyper Sexualized Culture and the Destruction of Young Generation


The world has entirely changed from the way it used to be a few decades ago. Cultures around the world have changed and human beings seem to be moving back to the age of nudity and openness from which they arrived to the civilized way of living.

The young generation and specially children are consistently exposed to how sex has an importance in their lives and how could sex be linked with the importance they receive within their social peers. In order to better understand about how this new way of living is affecting the way children grow up; an depth discussion about the documentary Sext Up Kids is required.


Synopsis of the Video

This video is all about how the hyper sexualized culture throughout the world is affecting both the genders within the children from a very early stage of development; affecting their future personalities in some really shocking ways. The documentary provides a complete view regarding how different developments within the society including normal usage of short clothes, acceptance of sexual words into normal language and availability of porn and nudity material to even youngsters (MacDonald, 2011). Moreover, it also provides a horrific view of where this generation could lead, if corrective action is not taken immediately.

The New Norms of the Modern World

With the recent developments within the society, the norms of the people residing within it have also changed extensively. Young children wear bikinis, marketing of thongs for the young age group has become a regular competitive action, padded bras for young girls aging above 9 are marketed openly and the social media is full of images and videos which exploit young girls exposed in short clothing (Mitu, 2011).

Exposing Body Parts which do not even Exist

These things which have become a norm today are simply a very dangerous tool to play with. The ultimate goal of such activities is to build a mindset within young children that they should also be involved in activities relevant to the sexual domain. In the words of the documentary, little girls are trained to take care of and caress their body parts; those body parts which they do not even have yet.

Unlimited Access to Porn for Young Children

The documentary revealed some really shocking facts relevant to the power of internet and media and how that power is used by ...