Hygiene Management

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Hygiene Management

Hygiene Management


Hygiene is a major issue in almost every organization. Even things that seem to be clean may be badly affected and may lead to severe sickness. When employees get sick, they usually take an off. These leaves count towards the reduction of revenue generation capacity of the organization and therefore they need to be curtailed (Pereira, 2006, pp. 162).

Cut it Quickly is committed to provide safety to the staff from all forms of diseases. Keeping in mind the recent increase in absenteeism, there is a dire need to get to the root cause of this issue and implement a strategy whereby such issues are reduced and eventually ended. This calls for the implementation of an absence management policy that is linked to the health and safety policy to assist in the reduction of absenteeism and supporting the staff by catering to their concerns (Lowe, 2010, pp. 59).

The purpose of this policy will be to demonstrate the company's commitment to provision of a quality lifestyle to its employees by catering to their needs. It will also ensure a consistent and fair approach to the management of absence related to sickness. The objective of provide care to the employees is to maintain an efficient workforce and keep them free from sicknesses so that they may undertake their duties with responsibility and professionalism.

Absence due to Sickness

Absences due to sickness are inevitable in every organization and they need to be dealt with in a sympathetic, understanding and fair way. Absence affects the business of every organization and leads to additional costs or losses. In order to maintain the level of absenteeism, employees need to be constantly monitored in order to determine where there is any work related issue that is causing the issue (European foundation, 1997, pp. 8-9). This monitoring will help devise effective policies by which absenteeism can be controlled without having to take any major decision. After the implementation of policies that will aim to reduce absenteeism, the business will have to be constantly monitored to determine the improvement and maintain this improvement.

Awareness of the Situation

It is essential to deal with absenteeism in an effective way in order to show consideration for the employee for may have got sick because of some factor linked to his work in the organization. There may also be a need to change the job description of certain workers rotate the jobs if some serious issue arises out of their work. These measures are essential in order to reduce absenteeism and improve the work environment.

Relaxation and change in posture is necessary to avoid strain on the body. Therefore, work rotation can be ideal to provide the relaxation that employees need. Rotation will also ensure that employees do not get tired performing the same task again and again which will lead to de-motivation and tiredness (Barham & Begum, 2005, pp. 149-158).

Managing the Situation

It is the responsibility of the manager of the organization to ensure that sickness related absenteeism is controlled and employees are provided proper care ...
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