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Question 09: Hydroelectricity

Question 09: Hydroelectricity


Hydroelectricity is renewable electricity obtained by converting the hydraulic energy from the different flows of natural water. The kinetic energy of the water stream is transformed into mechanical energy by a turbine, and then converted into electrical energy by a generator (Tiwari 2010). Hydroelectric power installed worldwide in 2004 was estimated at 715 Gigawatts (GW), or about 19% of the global electric power. Nearly 15% of installed capacity in Europe comes from hydropower.


Over the past few decades, there is a sizable increase in the hydroelectricity power generation throughout the world. In 2002, the total world hydroelectricity production from large-scale projects was 740 GW (IEA 2003). Still however, the world's electricity requirement is rising at a faster pace. This implies a slower increase in hydroelectricity generation. During 1991-2001, there was 30% increase in total electricity, while hydroelectricity contribution increased only by 24% (WEC 2003). The following table shows the average annual output of hydroelectricity over the past few years in different regions of the world, together with the output that is estimated to be economically exploitable in each region.

The hydropower production is limited by the flow and water availability; these reserves depend on the climate, pumping made ??upstream deductions (eg for irrigation) and the size of withholding (dams). The variation in the regional hydroelectricity production depends on various economic, environmental and social factors which will be later discussed in detail.

As the above table suggests, Europe takes the lead in hydroelectricity production. This is understandable because the matured industrial structure on which the European economies were based rested on energy resources. Also, Europe had better utilised its water resources in contrast to other parts of the world. However, if similar resource exploitation takes place, European countries might continue to invest in hydro projects and increase their ...
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