Hydrocolloid Dressing

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Hydrocolloid Dressing For Pressure Ulcer

Hydrocolloid Dressing For Pressure Ulcer


Pressure Ulcers are commonly known as Bedsores or Decubitus Ulcers that are defined as the generalized injuries to the underlying tissues or skin area that is usually prominent to the bones for example heels, hips, knees, ankles and elbows etc (Reddy, 2008). Pressure ulcers are the result of shear or skin exposed to frictions that usually cause such injuries (Lohi J at el. 2010, pp 123-127). Pressure ulcers are more likely to occur in wheel chair confined people or stayed on bed rest for an even longer period of time. In case of the patients suffering with the pressure ulcer hydrocolloid dressing is considered to be the better option as research proves that the Hydrocolloid dressings speed up the healing process as it is an opaque and non breathable but moist dressing that helps improving the healing time significantly. The following research proposed the comparison of hydrocolloid dressing with the gauze saline dressing in context to pressure ulcers.

Research Aims & objectives

The study aims to determine the best option of dressing between the hydrocolloid dressing and the dry dressing. The review of the researches is intended to analyse the appropriate type of dressing and treatment that should be used for the patients of Pressure Ulcer. In the healthcare setting, the dressing procedure is primarily performed by the emergency staff and secondary after the core treatment or surgery if required. For this reason, the healthcare professional must have an ample knowledge regarding the appropriate usage, application and the type of the dressing to be used (Soares M JGO et al 2012, pp 2-60). Research proposed that the actual rate of occurrence and linked expenditure of pressure ulcers is not exactly known yet. Approximate findings propose that roughly 18% of inpatients might have a pressure ulcer in Europe. In the year 2004, it was anticipated that the total expenditure of pressure ulcer care reported about 4% of UK National Health Service expenditure (Dealey C, et al. 2007, pp 227-235).

Literature review

A literature review of three different articles was conducted to find out the current qualitative analysis regarding the research proposing the appropriate type of dressing to be used for the patients of pressure ulcer. Three main researches are considered as the primary sources to analyze the hypothesis that include. A systematic review of the use of hydrocolloids in the treatment of pressure ulcers by Heyneman, A, Beele, H, Vanderwee, K & Defloor, published in Journal of Clinical Nursing. The second source is the article of Horkan, L, Stansfield, G & Miller that was 'An analysis of systematic reviews undertaken on standard advanced wound dressings in the last 10 years published in the Journal of Wound Care and last but not the least was 'Different Types of Wounds reviewed from Health News. A detailed analysis of the researches indicates that Pressure ulcers in the healthcare systems tend to be a marked as a challenge (Heyneman, A, Beele, H, Vanderwee, K & Defloor, T ...