Hyatt Regency Employee Discontent

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Hyatt Regency Employee Discontent

Hyatt Regency Employee Discontent

Responsibility of Managers in Luxury Hotels

Manager in a luxury hotel, besides providing excellent hospitality services, also have the responsibilities pertaining to their employees. Under the law, it is mandatory upon employers/managers to protect safety, health & welfare of their employees in a reasonable and practical way. Managers have to make sure that workers are protected or are under proper safety measures to reduce the risk of injury or health related workplace issues. Moreover, it is the manager's responsibility to conduct safety, health and security risk assessment on a regular basis and to address them with appropriate planning. More importantly it is complied upon managers in a luxury hotel to consult employees regarding the health, safety and security issues because employees can give better recommendation regarding law formulations which in the future will be applied on them. The consultation can be either direct or through safety focal person - appointed by trade union.

Moreover, amenities regarding adequate first aid, emergency plans, safe exit corridors, and warning signs are properly maintained. It is also the responsibility of managers to make sure that equipments are up to the standards, regular health checkups - physical and mental health of the employees is done. On the top of the line, managers have to make sure that safe working practices are followed in the luxury hotels .

Legal Protection for Unionization and Safety & Health

According to the study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Hyatt had the worst record for the housekeeper's injuries, and it was categorized among top five US hotels companies in terms of injuries. The study also indicated 780 issues related to injuries at Hyatt since 2007. This shows that the issue of health, safety was prevalent at Hyatt, and the authenticity cannot be claimed as ...