Hwb-Operations Management

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HWB-Operations Management

Letter of Transcript

The Supervisor

XYZ School

This project identifies an operational issue in Health Water Bottle Company, Nova and proposes a solution to it. It starts with the introduction of the company giving brief insight into the competitive strategy as well. OM deals with a complex environment. Our central focus is on the organization's operational systems, each built up from their own subsystems. Each layer and component subsystem adds complexity that makes generalizations more difficult to see and substantiate. Even when we break the range of organizations down into more manageable, comparable groups, the variety among operations systems remains staggering. It highlights the operational issues and than finally proposes a solution to it.

I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.



Table of Contents

Letter of Transcript2

Executive Summary4


Theoretical Framework5

Operations Management V Operations Strategy6

Hayes and Wheelwright Model7

Competitive Strategy10

Operations Management Issues11

Electricity Power cuts11


Quality control Problem12


Distribution Problem14


Employee Recruitment18

Future Strategy24


Executive Summary

This project is intended to find out the operations management issues in organization of my choice. For the purpose of this project, I have chosen Health Water Bottling Company, Nova. Health Water Bottling Co. Ltd. (HWB) is a privately owned company which started in 1973 and is situated in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Constantly identifying opportunities to diversify, HWB has branched out into the marketing and distribution of beverages other than water. Today, HWB boasts a fully fledged beverages division in addition to the water division. It's main line of business is the manufacturing and filling of bottled drinking water since over 25 years and is considered a pioneer in this field. The company produces and sells its product of bottled water under the “nova” brand name which is widely available throughout the Kingdom. While the Nova brand spearheads the water division, the beverages division carries such reputable international brands as Holsten, and Power Horse. This paper attempts to identify some operations management problems which Health & Water Bottling Company (HWB) is facing. Additionally, there are proposed solutions to each of the operations management problems identified. This work can assits management of HWB to reconcile their operations strategy with the proposed solutions. This paper ends with a conclusion and future strategy to be followed.


Health Water Bottling Company, Nova, takes a true leader to establish traditions that others will follow. Such qualities are prevalent in all aspects of Health Water Bottling Co. (HWB). It's main line of business is the manufacturing and filling of bottled drinking water since over 25 years and is considered a pioneer in this field.

The Plant implements the highest international standards of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) and is yearly inspected and certified by international inspection organizations such as NSF (National Sanitization Foundation), ABWA (Asian Bottled Water Association) and also local Health authorities.

HWB owns its own transport and distribution fleet of 300 heavy and medium size trucks and employs over 700 people from different ...