Hvac Innovation

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HVAC Innovation

HVAC Innovation

HVAC Overview

Before discussing the innovation in HVAC system, it is better to discuss the basic concept surrounding the system. Since, HAVC stands for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, the basic function they perform is to control the internal climate of the buildings or houses (Zhicheng et al., 2013). In simple words, the purpose of the system is to maintain temperature control, create an acceptable air quality indoor, and to provide consumers with the cost-effective systems in terms of energy saving and installation. We know that the humidity and temperature inside can vary with the variance in the outside weather, so the other function of this type of heating and cooling system is to regulate the indoor temperature accordingly. Overall, the purpose of HVAC systems is to provide the comfort by maintaining the heating and cooling conditions accordingly.


Heating ventilating and air conditioning system is being used all over the world from large buildings to very small homes. There are various problems associated with the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems mainly because of use of carbon and thus resulting in the carbon emission in the environment. So, one problem which can be associated with this could be that these systems are mostly not environment friendly. Since, the consumers are now very much aware about the safety of the environment, hence the need has aroused to create the environment friendly HVAC systems which could be used domestically or commercially. In addition to this, the other major problem could be the high energy cost in terms of electricity with the use of heating in winter and cooling system in summers. This huge cost has derived the industry to focus on the use of cost-effectively and energy saving heating, ventilating and air condition systems. This is why various companies are focusing on the use of solar panels in the HVAC systems to cut the energy cost and save as much as 50% of the total energy cost are compared with the traditional heating and air conditioning systems.

Since, these system use variety of components, but the key components which are in the process of innovation and are of great interest for the manufactures include:

Air flow

Indoor AHU



Outdoor unit

Refrigerant charge

These are the primary components which are considered in the problematic areas of the air conditioning and heating systems by the manufactures. So, one way to incorporate innovation in the HVAC systems is to work on one of the above primary components. Since, once cannot work on the entire component simultaneously, so I have chosen to work on the heat pump thermostat. Therefore, the opportunity is very much clear from the discussion of the problem, I will work on the thermostat to bring innovation into the HVAC system so at to solve the above mentioned problems.

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