Humerous/ Sarcastic Short Story

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Humerous/ Sarcastic Short Story

Selecting a career is the most important decision in a person's life. I have always been inclined towards health care and therefore I decided to be a dentist. To become a dentist one should possess different qualities. But the most important quality is to be a very responsible person. The duties of a dentist vary in every office depending on the specialty of the doctor. Some of the administrative duties remain the same in every office.

Dentists are often not portrayed by the media as serious medical practitioners but as a fool whose role is mostly comic relief. While this may be a response to being afraid of dentists (like psychologists), dentists are not without their amusing moments. Here are some of the more funny ones. Whether it's on the part of the dentist or patient, these surely make for a funny scene!

I had some gum surgery in December that involved excising some bone tissue. The dental insurance denied the bone excision part of the surgery indicating that it was a medical expense. My insurance is through my husband's company so he appealed the claim, and went over to the insurance office to speak to the medical representative about it. He explained that it was a medical expense related to a dental procedure. She pulled up her files on the computer and said, "I have a claim here from December 17, could that be it?" He said that it was, so she questioned him thoroughly about the dental procedure, repeatedly asking, "Are you SURE this is related to a dental procedure?" He assured her that it was. He returned to his office, called me and said, "You need to go to Dr. Calhoun, and get some more information." To which I responded, "Tony, Dr. Calhoun is my gynecologist!" We laughed and laughed.

That's not the end of the story... The next day, I was talking to my husband on his cell phone about this. He said, "The insurance company has requested that you get a letter from your dentist or your gynecologist explaining why he performed the procedure (Chapman, 89)." I responded, "It just so happens that I have an appointment with my gynecologist (meaning dentist) tomorrow morning." Just as I was saying this, the elevator doors opened, and the man on the elevator heard me say that. Then Tony asked what my appointment was for, and I responded, "He's ...
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