Humans & Animals

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Humans & other Animals

Humans & other Animals


Human beings and just about all the primates with whom they have some connectivity by means of the common ancestor are come under the category of creatures that are extremely social. Evolving over several millions decades for thriving in the communal, human beings amalgamated with each other naturally in forms of groups, societies, families (not just nuclear, but families of numerous configurations) and, presently in forms of online communities with the help of internet and technology.

Generally, anthropologists define their anthropology, discipline, as the study of humankind and assume it absolutely natural for paying little or even no attention to the non-human kingdom of animal kind. Certainly, in the studies of anthropology, animals are mainly treated as raw material for human thoughts and human acts. In this research paper, there will an exploration of some significant aspects about human beings and aspects of humanity that are underpinned in it. Such aspects include that how the distinction is created between human and animals, by what means such distinctions involve special duties, obligations, or responsibilities that are needed for the animals' care, how the safeguard of animals' welfare can be granted, and whether the humans have the rights to kill and eat animals.


The study of anthropology has an extended tradition of exploring the ways in which distinctive cultures and human groups deal with and conjure up their natural ethnology or environment inclusive of various species. Such studies normally confine themselves to humankind in their tendencies as subjects and agents who think about and act upon animals (Evans-Pritchard, 2007, p. 115).

Consequently, animals have been also inclined to portray passive objects that are compacted and felt and thought about. Far away from being considered in their own ways, the animals themselves are practically overlooked by anthropologists. They along with their associations with human beings tend to be taken undeserving of the interest of anthropology. Majority of the anthropologists would assume it absolutely natural for paying little attention to the way things feel, look, smell, sound, or taste to the concerned animals. The question that raises here is about the distinctions that actually differentiate human beings from other animals. Some people would simply say that there is no distinction between HUMANS & ANIMALS despite the fact that human have larger brains as there is nothing that humans do and animals cannot do, rather animals do such things in an exclusive primordial and basic manner (Cruikshank, 2010, p. 20).

Thus, the ways that differentiates the human beings from animals is originally an unnatural aspect rather than any natural aspect. Such unnatural aspects are rituals, culture, self-awareness, use of technology, imagination, higher emotions, conscious memory, ethics, values, linguistic reasoning and its projection, morals, and freedom from the determinism of nature that permits them to choose or to make a distinction between right or wrong. But in nature, nothing processes any of such attributes, in spite the hopeful thinking of such individuals who assume that they can teach 'talks' to chimps, or who tag ...
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