Humanistic Theory

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Humanistic Theory

Development and Diversity


Humanism is a training event and reunion between man and his essence is to think and to see that the man was not an educated man and inhuman or barbarous, ie outside of their values ??and essence. Yet humanism goes beyond what is culturally and historically raised. It means a deep understanding of the human being, educated in securities, intellectual properties that can grow and grow, with feelings, emotions, educational programs in line with social and physical needs of human spirituality and sociability (Mahrer, 1978).

Concept and History

The early humanists

Humanism emerged as an image of the world at the end of the middle Ages. Humanistic thinkers were then interpreters of new human aspirations driven decline of scholastic philosophy, whose center of gravity was the religious life and immortality after death. Humanism came to replace that vision with philosophical reflection abundant sound products, which prioritized the idea of man as man, true and integral (Lombardo, 1987).


Humanism in the twentieth century came after quite a few humanists, with equally remarkable contributions who paved the way to today. In this context it has to be located where behaviorism. This system, school that created, developed on the basis provided by the principles of physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936), conceived to learning from Animal conditioning reflection, ie phenomena conditioned reflexes more psychic finishes, which give rise to learning, will habits.

Then came Frederich Burrhus Skinner (1904-1990), American psychologist, who also focused his study on the learning process to discover a new type of conditioning of animal behavior, called it "operant conditioning", applicable to all fields of psychology.

In both cases, the studies are based on experiments with animal behavior based on repetitions. For that reason, behaviorism relates immediately, education, human reactions automatic. In this case, the educational process is reduced to the controlled delivery of ...
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