Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking


It's hard to believe that the oldest profession known to society would be declared as one being detrimental and illegal. There are also many spectators who feel the legalization of prostitution will by far have a negative impact on today's society. In accordance to this, we can proclaim that these are the exact same people who are forcing these women into illegal prostitution, which so happens to be more damaging in many other ways. My goal in this paper is to provide an argument and project, in which I am going to compare and contrast legal and illegal prostitution, while providing evidence of how beneficial legalizing prostitution can help society.


Throughout the entire UK, we can easily locate illegal prostitution in large named cities. Prostitution is commonly located in the urban areas of big cities, a location where most women, young and old, feel they are obligated to sell themselves due to depressing economical reasoning (Weitzer 18). Not only does money impact these women, a good percentage of them are heavy drug users and abusers, and will result in having sex for their “fix”. In addition to the struggle of poverty and drug usage, women seeking assistance generally revert to engaging in a relationship with a “pimp”, one who solicits women for money (Phoenix 6).

However, young-minded women do feel a sense of protection when they're alert that their “pimp” will defend them, on the contrary, they are also placed in harm when an expected amount of money isn't returned. Many, who counter the idea of legalization, have a huge concern in regards to sexually transmitted diseases becoming a factor in society. Even though numerous amounts of women carry condoms for protection, there is no real determinant if they're always being used (Michael 26). In addition, due to the desire to make even more money, some women will revert to sex without a condom and not even consider the danger she is placing herself or the customer in (Michael 27). In the UK, prostitution arrests are frequently being made; however, the women are normally granted freedom in a short period of time and will continue to clock back into work. This is where we are faced with the discussion of how to fix illegal prostitution in UK.

In several locations throughout the UK, legal prostitution is a practice that is commonly found. Surprisingly, UK allows legal prostitution in a small part of our own country. The state, home to the city that never sleeps, Nevada, provides a particular operation in which sex is legally solicited inside of certain homes called Brothels (Weitzer 22). A brothel is the clear distinction that in which separates prostitution from being legal and illegal. Brothels handle prostitution in a business-like manner. In order for the brothel to function, the government “requires that these houses be licensed, taxed, and even given a health inspection”, just like a restaurant (Weitzer 22).

To even ensure the safety of the individuals, once a month a government appointed ...
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