Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking

Protocol against Human Trafficking

Protocol against Human Trafficking


The contemporary conception of human rights, introduced by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights establishes the universality, indivisibility, and interdependence that every human being is a subject of rights. Human trafficking is one of the most serious violations of human civil rights, political, economic, social, and cultural, because it removes the victim's own human condition and freedom to treat it as an object, a product, a simple commodity.

On this issue, it is essential to differentiate the smuggling of migrants. The latter refers to the promotion of the illegal entry of people in a country of which they are not nationals or permanent residents, with the goal of obtaining financial or other material benefit. Thus, in smuggling, migrant smuggling, and pays particular value, in return, provides assistance for entrance into a country without the exploitation of persons. In this case, the migrant is also considered criminal.

Finally, the last phase is the exploitation of the victim, which is the primary purpose of trafficking. According to the Palermo Protocol, exploitation can have sexual purpose, labor, or removal of organs. The difference in treatment of each of the purposes of trafficking is essential for its proper and rational coping as measures to prevent crime, rescue victims, and punish offenders vary with each situation.

Sexual exploitation

The Palermo Protocol provides as the first purpose of trafficking exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation. Many scholars criticize the device due to its vagueness, since it does not provide grants for clear understanding. However, such inaccuracy is the result of the difficulty of understanding between the Member States of the United Nations by virtue of the different positions on the subject involved. Therefore, providing broad and generic aimed to allow each State party to integrate and interpret the standard as the specifics of its domestic law (Cameron, & Newman, 2008).

In relation to victims of this kind of trafficking, most go to Europe deluded by promises of employment, good wages, studies, and sometimes even marriage without having any idea of the risks involved. When they reach their destination, their passports are confiscated and they are forced to work as prostitutes, having to pay huge amounts to pay off alleged debts relating to their tickets, food, clothing and time. Thus, it becomes impossible to make any savings to be free of that situation and come back home. These women do not know their rights in the country and abroad, to aggravate the situation, often unaware of the local language. They live in fear, are vulnerable, abandoned and abused as slaves are modern.

One of the most serious complications the counter trafficking for sexual exploitation, according to many economist, is the focus on prostitution by the entertainment industry and the encouragement of consumerism. This idea demonstrably affects the perception of the young man himself and the world to around. Let aside any reflection and critical posture and encourage the practice of selling one's own body for making gains 'easy' and get financial ...
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